ACCEPTED PAYMENT Visa, Mastercard & Discover accepted for online and telephone registration. Cash, check & credit card accepted for in-person registration. REFUNDS
WEATHER POLICY If Romeo Community Schools are closed due to inclement weather, all morning Parks & Rec programs will be cancelled. Afternoon/evening program cancellations will be announced later in the day. Please call our office for updates. Registered participants will be notified by phone and/or email when cancellations occur. Please make sure your correct contact information is on file. For programs cancelled outside of office hours, we will post schedule updates on our phone system. Call 586.752.6543 and follow the prompts. TRAVEL POLICIES • Travel is non-refundable unless cancelled through RWB Parks & Recreation or trip insurance is purchased. In some instances, within 48 hours of the departure time, you may find a replacement person for your ticket. *Approval required to replace travelers. • Travelers for day and extended trips must arrive at least 20 minutes prior to departure to check in. • Travelers under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. • People requiring assistance must travel with a caregiver or companion. • Travelers must submit the following information at the time of registration: Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone number, Birthdate, Emergency Contact & Email.
RESIDENT & NON RESIDENT A resident is defined as any person living within Bruce Township, Washington Township, the Village of Romeo or the Romeo Community School District. Registrants and/or participants residing out of these areas is defined as non-resident and will be charged an addition All others will are defined as a non resident and will be subject to additional fees; amount determined by class cost.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Call for information & paperwork. If criteria is met, a CHILD is eligible to receive $50 toward a program per season.
PHOTO RELEASE POLICY RWB Parks & Recreation may take pictures at our events or during programs. Participations must recognize and agree that we may use these photographs for promotional purposes; photographs may be shared online or in print form.
Online Registration Unavailable
Registration Closed